Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Your "half" birthday - 6 Months

You are going to be six months this week, it is your half birthday! The past few months have been bittersweet. I had to go back to work when you were four months. It has proven much harder than I anticipated. You started going to Wee Walker's daycare. This is where your cousin Jacob and Brittany went when they were little and your cousin Brian is there with you now.

I love watching your daily changes... I try to soak them up as much as I can. You are advancing so fast, every day you are doing something new.

Three Months
Rolling from both sides
Discovered your feet and really enjoy sucking on your toes
You love your jungle play mat

Helping mommy with laundry - 3 months

Four Months
Started sleeping on your tummy (rolling over by yourself)
Laughing out loud
Discovered your hair, you like to rub your head (especially when your tired)
Chewing and pulling on toys

Trick or treating at mommies work, you were a cabbage patch kid- 4 months

Five Months
Getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth
You love singing "patty cake" and "head, shoulder, knees and toes".
Able to put paci in your mouth on your own
Like to talk and babble to mommy and daddy
Started vegetables and cereal

You are a incredible blessing, I can not get over how amazing you are. You are the light in my eye. I love that we are both learning and growing together every day. Your smile brightens my life.



Monday, August 27, 2012

Watching you grow - 2 months new

Time is flying by, you are 2 months, 10 weeks to be exact. It has been wonderful being at home with you and  watching you grow. Not only physically, but developmentally too. You have such a little personality now. It is great waking up to you and your precious smile in the morning, you are always so happy to see your dad and I. You also have a lot to talk about these days, you like to carry on a conversation with coos and other baby babble.

You had your 2 month doctor appointment 2 weeks ago. Dr. Singh gave you 2 shots, which made mommy really sad. You cried so hard and then you were over it. I thought it was going to be a lot worse, but you did so good. You will get the rest of your shots in 2 weeks. At your appointment you weighed 10 lbs 13 oz and were 23 1/4 long.

Bath time has become better, you seem to enjoy them. The most exciting development for mom and dad is that you appear to have your days and nights sorted out now. You are going to bed earlier and waking up only once or twice during the night, then waking up when mom and dad are. Before this you were quiet the night owl, wanting to stay up till 11 pm and then sleeping during the day.

7/19 - 5 weeks rolled from your tummy to back (left side)
7/27 - 6 weeks started smiling
7/30 - 7 weeks cooing and talking
8/13 - 9 weeks finding hands and putting them in mouth

You are a wonderful blessing!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Your Arrival

Mommy started to have strong contractions on June 11th (the day of your mom and dad's one year wedding anniversary). Around 8:00 PM daddy and I  headed to St. Joseph Hospital, we first were taken to triage to confirm that  I was actually in labor. They midwife agreed that I was in the onset of labor, 3.8 dilated and contractions were 3-4 minutes apart. The doctor also agreed and we were admitted. Unfortunately things did not progress very fast from there, your dad and I spent a lot of time walking up and down the hallways trying to get things going. The plan was to have a natural delivery.

Mommy relaxing, before all of the excitement took place.

The morning of June 12th we met with one of the doctors and they suggested that breaking my water could help things along. Your dad and I agreed that this would be a good decision due to the amount of time it had been and little progression. Breaking the water did bring on strong contraction and some dilation. I was having severe back labor at this point, but was determined to bear through it. Your dad and I did more walking and labor techniques to try and get through it. Later in the afternoon we were presented with the option of Pitocin and drug that can help speed up labor. We agreed at the time that we needed to explore this route since things were not progressing and the pain was getting worse. Pitocin did speed things up as we were told, but it was still not a "fast" progression. Later that evening I was dilated to 6  which we were very excited about. With being in labor for almost 24 hours my body and yours were starting to feel the effects. Your dad and I discussed what was going to be the best option for all of us. That is when we decided that a epidural may help get over the hump we were at. The epidural did ease some of the pressure and allowed me to relax some. However, I was still having back labor the doctor said this was due to you being face up.

Very early in the morning on June 13th we had exciting news, I was dilated to 8, only 2 more and it would be time to push. Your dad and I were very excited. We continued to do more labor techniques to help with the progression of labor. Your heart was having random heart dips and I had broke a high fever. The resident on call came and checked me and stated that I was back to 6 and my cervix was swollen. Your dad and I knew this was not a good thing. We tried to stay strong and waited to hear from the doctor to confirm that this was actually the case. The doctor check me and agreed that labor was digressing and with the fever I was (that in return was due to a infection) and the heart dips you were having it was time to make a plan. The doctor gave us a option to try to another hour or have a c-section. He highly recommend that we not wait any longer due to the condition of you and I. It was a very emotional decision for me and your dad, but we knew we had to do what was best for your health, so we agreed that a c section was going to be the best option. 

During this whole time you had a lot of people anticipating your arrival, grandmas, grandpas, your aunt and uncle were all waiting in the waiting room with word of when you were going to arrive. Your daddy was the one that explained to them the situation and the a c-section would be performed within the next 30 minutes. All of our family came into see us before we went to the operating room. It was nice to know they were all there for us.

Once in the OR I thought I would be a lot more scared than I was. Having your dad by my side and knowing you were going to be the end result of the surgery helped me get through it. The procedure itself was less than a hour total, you were born on June 13, 2012 at 9:48 AM. You weighed 7lbs 12oz and were 22 inches long.  As soon as you came out they had to take you to the NICU team that was standing by in the OR to evaluate you due to the fever and infection. Mommy did not get to see you right away, but daddy went over and took pictures of you and showed them to me as the doctors finished up the surgery. The emotions that overcame me were indescribable, after all this time you were finally here and were perfect in every way. Once the NICU team did their initial evaluation they brought you over to me so that I could see you in person. I now know what every mother talks about when they speak of having children, it is the most powerful experience ever. After our moment of bonding you and daddy went to the NICU and I went to recovery. It was hard not to be with you for the 2 hours that I was in recovery, but dad kept you company and made sure everything was okay.

Finally later that afternoon we were reunited! We got to go to the mother baby unit as a family. As they wheeled us down the hallway from recovery they played a lullaby to signify your birth. We spent 4 days in the hospital after you were born. This was due to the antibiotics we both had to take within a certain time span and also due to mommy having a c-section. The nurses were all so helpful and gave mommy and daddy lots of tips on how to care for you. On June 16th we were released from the hospital. Taking you home felt surreal, it was something I had been dreaming of since we first found out we were expecting you.

We are coming up on just over two weeks now since you were born and are learning more and more about you everyday. Your dad and I look forward to watching you grow, you are such a blessing to us!


Mommy and Daddy

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

40 Weeks - Today is the "due" date...

Well, today is your due date. The past couple of days I have had some contractions, but nothing consistent. Last night your dad and I went for a walk around the neighborhood which led to a series of skipping and jogging. Apparently skipping and jogging doesn't induce labor, none the less it must have been a funny for any on looking neighbors. 

We just got back from the doctor and I am dilated to 3. Which is more than last week so things seem to be progressing. The doctor successfully stripped my membranes today and said there is a 50/50 chance it will help induce labor within the next 24-48 hours. If things don't progress in the next week, we have a appointment scheduled for next Tuesday where they will monitor you for signs of stress and level of amniotic fluid. If there is concerns they will induce that day. If everything looks okay, they will wait a schedule a induction later in the week. I have my fingers cross you decide to come on your own.

40 Weeks - Clothing is limited at this time, disregard this is the same shirt I had on in the last post :o)
As much as I want to meet you I keep trying to remind myself to just enjoy this special time. It is absolutely amazing to think that I have a full grown baby in my belly and that at any moment that will be changing. Right now all I really care about is that you are healthy.

I feel like we are prepared, the house is in order and we have everything else in line. Work has graciously allowed me to work from home until you arrive. Then I will go on maternity leave and have 16 weeks to  devote to bonding with you and learning how to be a mommy.  Now it's just waiting for you to decide when you are ready.

How far along: 40 weeks
Total weight gain: about 34 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yes… over the belly maternity jeans and sweat pants are most comfy 
Sleep: I get up a couple time during the night, anxious about your arrival.
Stretch marks: Nope!
Best moment of the week: Knowing we are soo close to meeting you!
Miss anything: My waist and sleep
Movement:  Lots of hard movement still, I am convinced you are out of room.
Food Craving: Chocolate/vanilla twist cone dipped in cherry from dairy queen...yummy!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Yes, eating too much. Small portions are my friend, but I always want more!
Have you started to show yet: Yes, there is no question about it, I am pregnant.
Gender: Girl  :o) 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

39 Weeks - Anxiously Awaiting

Today was our 39 week appointment. I am dilated to 1.5 and we are anxiously awaiting your arrival. The doctor stripped my membranes today, which can help get things going. She said it's about 50/50 sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. I just can't wait to have you in my arms. I think you are tired of being in my tummy too because you have been moving like crazy.

I went through a nesting phase over the weekend and we got a ton of stuff done around the house. The past couple of days I have been feeling very tired and have had bouts of nausea. I have been told that these are good signs that labor is coming on, I am really hoping so. Our next appointment is on your due date June 5th, it will be interesting to see if we make it till then :o)

How far along: 39 weeks
Total weight gain: about 33 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yes… over the belly maternity jeans and sweat pants are most comfy 
Sleep: I was up five times last night :o(
Stretch marks: Nope!
Best moment of the week: Knowing we are getting closer to meeting you.
Miss anything: My waist and sleep
Movement:  Lots of hard movement. You are getting stronger and like to push your arms and legs outwards.
Food Craving: Chocolate/vanilla twist cone dipped in cherry from dairy queen...yummy!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Yes, eating too much. Small portions are my friend, but I always want more!
Have you started to show yet: Yes, there is no question about it, I am pregnant.
Gender: Girl  :o) 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

38 Weeks - 2 Weeks Until “D” Date

Our due date is quickly approaching and we can’t wait! There have been so many new and exciting experiences during the past 9 months and we are looking forward to many more in the future.

The Jedele baby shower was a few weeks ago, we gathered at Aunt Sandi’s house for great food and celebration. It was nice to catch up and meet with family I had not met. You received so many gifts and handmade blankets. My work also threw a baby shower for us too! It was a surprise shower, many of the ladies in my department gathered for cake and gifts.  We are one blessed family to have such supportive people in our lives.

Crunch time is approaching; I have an overwhelming feeling to get as much done as possible, but finding the energy and ability to do them all is hard. I want everything to be done when you arrive, so I can focus on you. I know what’s done won’t matter to you.

You have grown so much in the past couple of weeks. My stomach is so tight; there is not much room for you in there anymore. You have been very active with you arms and legs, I can feel pushing out. It is amazing to think you are a full grown baby, in MY stomach. Speaking of full grown, this week marks a milestone, if you decided to come early you would be considered full term. At this time I am more than welcoming to the idea of your arriving early, because that means meeting you sooner.

38 Weeks
Daddy put your tree up :o)
At last two appointments I was dilated to 1 and was at stage 1. At our appointment yesterday it was the same. However, Dr. Archer does seem to think you are dropping lower, which is a good sign. I am looking forward to next weeks appointment.

How far along: 38 weeks
Total weight gain: about 33 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yes… over the belly maternity jeans and sweat pants are most comfy 
Sleep: I think god is preparing me for future sleepless nights :o)
Stretch marks: Nope!
Best moment of the week: Knowing we are getting closer to meeting you.
Miss anything: My waist and sleep
Movement:  Lots of hard movement. You are getting stronger and like to push your arms and legs outwards.
Food Craving: Sweets and watermelon…still!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Yes, eating too much. Small portions are my friend, but I always want more!
Have you started to show yet: Yes, there is no question about it, I am pregnant.
Gender: Girl  :o)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Week 35

Wow! You are 35 weeks and 4 Days… per standard we only have a little over 4 more weeks to go! We had a doctor’s appointment Monday and all is well. You are measuring on par and the doctor said your head is down. I asked how likely that is to change, she said not likely because there is not much room in there for you to flip around.  We will now have appointment every week until you make your debut. Next week we will start exams to see if there is any progression.  I never thought I would look forward to an exam, until now.

We had your first baby shower a couple of weeks ago and it was a great time. Mommy’s friends and family all came over to the house to celebrate.  You received so many fun things! I never realized how much stuff is needed for babies. You will also be very fashionable; you received a ton of clothes. They are all so cute; I can’t wait to dress you in them. Your daddy’s side of the family is throwing us a baby shower next weekend too. We are so blessed to have such kind and thoughtful family and friends.

Today we had maternity pictures taken, so we could document how you are growing in these last few weeks of pregnancy. I am looking forward to seeing how they turned out :o)

How far along: 35 weeks 4 Days
Total weight gain: about 29 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yes… over the belly maternity jeans and sweat pants are most comfy 
Sleep: Not going well. I am up about 3-4 times a night.
Stretch marks: Nope!
Best moment of the week: Knowing we are getting closer to meeting you.
Miss anything: My waist and sleep
Movement:  You are very strong and make my whole belly wiggle. It is entertaining to watch you at work.
Food Craving: Sweets… which is odd because I was never a big sweets person until now.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Have you started to show yet: Yes, there is no question about it, I am pregnant.
Gender: Girl  :o)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Week 31

Today you are 31 weeks 5 days… the anticipation of your arrival is starting to become more and more of a reality. Your dad and I have been doing a lot to prepare for your arrival. Your room is painted a beautiful lilac, your crib skirt is almost complete, we have your cornice board made it just needs upholstered and your dad is working on a tree decal for your wall. I have been eyeing some cute wall prints on Etsy that I just ordered today. I hope we have it all together before your arrival… however your dad reminds me that either way it will not matter, since you will be staying in our room for awhile. The other day I washed all of your clothes and hung them up. They are so small, it was challenging fitting some of them on hangers, those items were folded.

Your 31 week appointment was Wednesday, per the doctor everything is going well and your little heartbeat sounds great. The whooshing sound of your heartbeat is so comforting to hear. The weeks just seem to be flying by, I can’t believe in 9 weeks you will be in our arms. I can’t help thinking of our first ultrasound at 9 weeks, you were just a little peanut it seems like it was just yesterday. I can’t wait to meet you, I often time catch myself wondering… will you have brown hair or blonde hair, what color will your eyes be, will you look more like your mom or your dad or both.

Next weekend is our first baby shower… you are so loved that you actually get two showers held in your honor. The first one is at our house with family from mommy’s side and friends. I am really looking forward to seeing everyone and celebrating you.

Yesterday your dad and I attended a birthing class, we learned some helpful information to help us through the delivery process. I don't think a class can ever prepare you for the journey of life, but at least it was informative. 

This morning we will be going to Easter service at church and this afternoon we will be going over to Grandma and Grandpa Forster's to celebrate Easter with the family.

Every day is such a blessing,
Xoxoxo... Mommy

How far along: 31 weeks
Total weight gain: 22 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yes, maternity jeans are my fashion staple these days.
Sleep: Could use more, we also have a pesky cat that thinks it's play time during the night which does not help.
Stretch marks: Nope!
Best moment of the week: Feeling all of your movements
Miss anything: My waist
Movement: Seems to be getting higher and harder
Food Craving: Watermelon… Yes, still watermelon!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Have you started to show yet: Most definitely!
Gender: Girl :o)
Labor Signs: Not yet.
Belly button in or out: In, but on it's way out.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Having your nursery completed!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

28 weeks and running...

You are a fast growing little girl, in the past two weeks I have grown a round belly. It seems to be
inviting to people. I have received several comments from strangers commenting on how cute of a
pregnant person I am. I am starting to “look” pregnant so that is nice, the in between stage was a little awkward.

You participated in your first 5K this weekend at the annual Shamrock and Shenanigan’s event
downtown Ann Arbor. Your Dad and I both ran, he left me is the dust, but I think I held my ground pretty
well for being pregnant.

Steve 31:53
Crystal 33:44

Crystal 31:19

I was 2.25 minutes off from my time from last year and looking at the numbers under normal
circumstances I could have passed your dad . Next year we could run as a family, there were a lot of
babies along for the ride.

Our doctor’s appointments have gone well and everything seems to be on par with the standards of
pregnancy. Next week will be the first of our every other week visits, so we will be seeing a lot more of
the doctors. Which is ok with me, I will take every opportunity for reassurance you a doing ok. Your dad
and I are signed up for a birthing class in April. We are both interested in what the class will hold, your
dad especially.

We are making some progress on your nursery. We picked out fabrics for the bedding and a paint color
for the walls. Your grandma Chloe and I cut out the fabric for your bed skirt last week and plan on having
it complete tonight. I hope you like purple like I do, because it is the primary color of your room. I can’t
wait to have your room complete and ready for your arrival.

How far along: 28 weeks
Total weight gain: about 17 pounds
Maternity clothes: Maternity jeans are more comfy at this point :o) However, I did manage to squeak
into a pair of non maternity dress pants for a meeting at work this week.
Sleep: Going good, I have come accustom to getting up at least once in the middle of the night.
Stretch marks: Nope!
Best moment of the week: Feeling all of your movements
Miss anything: My waist
Movement: Seems to be getting higher and into my ribs… no always comfortable.
Food Craving: Watermelon… Yes, still watermelon!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Have you started to show yet: Most definitely!
Gender: Girl :o)
Labor Signs: Not yet.
Belly button in or out: In, but I am starting to wonder how much longer it will stay that way.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Having your nursery completed!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week 24

You are getting bigger, it seems like over the past week my belly has grown so much. You are becoming more and more active. Your daddy was able to feel you move the other day, which was very exciting. We have picked out the furniture for your room. But I am still searching for the perfect bedding, once I find it we are going to get started on your nursery. I am really looking forward to it.

How far along: 24 weeks
Total weight gain: about 10 pounds
Maternity clothes: I am wearing a combination of both. Maternity jeans are more comfy at this point :o)
Sleep: I would like more than I get
Stretch marks: Nope!
Best moment of the week: Feeling you move all around in my tummy
Miss anything: My waist
Movement: Yes, you are a very active lil girl. Your daddy was able to feel you last week, he was very excited.
Food Craving: Watermelon
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Gender: Girl :o)
Labor Signs: Not yet.
Belly button in or out: In, but I can tell it is getting shallow.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Getting started on your nursery

Saturday, January 14, 2012

It's a girl!

We had your 19 week ultrasound this week and guess what! You are a girl! Both of your grandmas came to the ultrasound appointment too, they were very happy to share in the excitement. Now that we know what you are we are going to have to start thinking about names and how we are going to decorate the nursery. Before you know it June will be here :o)

I bought your first pink onesie last night, it says "daddy's little princess" because that is what you are :o)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Week 18

My belly is starting to grow and look more "pregnant" and you are becoming more and more active in momma's belly. It is such a wonderful experience to be able to feel you moving around. I can't wait until your daddy can feel you too! 

How far along: 18 weeks
Total weight gain: about 5 pounds.
Maternity clothes: I bought my first pair of maternity jeans online, they are actually pretty cute and really comfy! I am still wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes a majority of the time.
Sleep: Sleeping this week have been challenging, I have been a early riser.
Stretch marks: Nope!
Best moment of the week: Feeling you moving around, there was a song on in the car that really had you going.
Miss anything: Sleeping on my back.
Movement: Yep, not enough for Steve to feel yet but I definitely can!
Food Craving: Mexican food! I had it 3 times this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really...
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Gender: We find out next week!
Labor Signs: Not yet.
Belly button in or out: In, but I can tell it is getting shallow.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Our ultrasound appointment next week!