Monday, July 1, 2013

{Turning One}

A few weeks ago we celebrated your FIRST birthday! I cannot believe you are now a one year old. Some say you are no longer a "baby", but now a "toddler", you will always be my baby.

We celebrated your birthday at the house with all of our friends and family. You loved all the attention and definitely enjoyed smashing your cake. The theme of your party was pink and orange. All of the decorations and your outfit matched, I had so much fun making them all. 

Now that you are one you are doing all sorts of fun things. You are now drinking whole milk, no more formula. You are eating table food, you pretty much eat what mom and dad eat. You are a super fast crawler and are working on your walking skills. You hold on to chairs, walls, the couch and walk around confidently. The day before your first birthday you took two steps by yourself. Since then you have not walked without holding on, however you will walk you bike all the way across the living room. I believe walking is just a short time away.

We have all sorts of fun, you love peak a boo under the covers, you think it is one of the most funniest things ever. You laugh so hard sometimes. Right now your stacking toys seem to be your favorite. You love shaking them and putting them inside one another. You also enjoy your bike, you like to scoot around the living room on it.

As always we cannot wait to see what the up coming  year has in store. It is awesome watching your grow. We love you so much!


Mommy and Daddy 

Sunday, April 28, 2013

How quickly you are growing up...

I can not believe how quickly you are growing up... you are 10 months 2 weeks. Your first birthday is quickly approaching. You have such a little personality of your own, I love it! Your newest skill is walking around the couch holding on and lots of babble. Your most used words are "ba-ba-ba", "da-da-da" and my favorite "ma".

A few months ago I decided to take a leave of absence from work to spend more time with you. I was missing you terribly when I was at work and it was making things very stressful. My time home with you has been wonderful and means the world to me. My leave of absence ends in June, that is when we have to make the decision if I will be returning or not. I am hoping and praying to be able to stay home with you has much as possible.

Nine Months
Using tables and chairs to shuffle around
Crawling as fast as you can
Climbing on the stairs
Your top teeth have started to poke through
Sleep 12 hours a night
Exploring table foods
Enjoy looking at books and flipping pages
Dancing to beats, you hear music and start bopping up and down

Eight Months
Pulling up to everything
Perfected your crawling form
Got your first teeth (bottom two)
Sleeping through the night
Nursing once a day
Love to eat cereal and other baby foods
Enjoy bouncing in your exersaucer
Like to play peek-a-boo
Clapping you hands
Picking up toys while standing


Seven Months
Pulled up to standing position for the first time
Started sleeping through the night
Eating pureed fruits and vegetables
Nursing and formula
You love playing with blocks
Attached to your wubba nub lamb and bear pacis
Sitting up playing with toys
Started using sippy cup with water
Like to make growling noises

Mommy loves you!!!