On Tuesday we will visit the doctor again to see how things are progressing. At the last visit I was 3cm 70% effaced which seemed promising that labor was in sight. Let's hope this time there will be more progression. If labor does not start on its own in the next week we will be faced with a difficult decision of inducing labor or scheduling another c-section. I have been praying that you arrive before we have to make this decision, as we are torn on what the best thing to do is. Either way we know we will be meeting you soon and this is a very exciting thought. We are just praying that you are healthy and labor uncomplicated. Everything else will fall into place. I can't wait to hold you in my arms.
40 weeks 2 days
Mommy and Daddy love you! Xoxoxo
How far along are you: 40 weeks and 3 days Total weight gain: about 34 pounds |
Maternity clothes: Yes… over the belly maternity jeans and sweat pants are most comfy
Sleep: I get up a couple time during the night, anxious about your arrival.
Stretch marks: Nope!
Best moment of the week: Knowing we are soo close to meeting you!
Miss anything: My waist and sleep
Movement: Lots of hard movement still, I am convinced you are out of room.
Food Craving: Sweets ( Dairy Queen just opened, not a good thing)
Anything making you queasy or sick: No
Have you started to show yet: Yes, there is no question about it, I am pregnant.
Gender: Boy :o)
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