Being a week overdue everyone was anxious for your arrival. The night of February 17th I noticed a few labor signs. We wanted to wait it out to make sure it was truly labor, we had learned prior that spending lots of time at the hospital was not fun. So I tried to relax at home as much as I could.
The morning if the 18th I was pretty sure my water had broke but was not 100% sure. We decided to take your sister to daycare and more than likely head to the hospital. We stopped at Leo's Coney Island so dad could have breakfast and then decided that maybe a little walk would speed things along. So we went to Lowes and walked around. Dad also picked up a few things he needed. At this point I was ready to go to the hospital, as I was positive I was in labor. We arrived in triage where they check you in to labor and delivery. They checked me and I was only 3-4 dilated. Then they asked me if my water had broke and I told them I was not sure but had been having contractions since last night. They were able to run a lab and confirm my water had broke. At that time they admitted me to labor and delivery. This is where our long journey begins...
Once we were settled in our room we did lots of walking down the hallways to try and encourage labor. After hours of doing this my body became very tired, things were not progressing. We tried to rest and stay positive that a natural labor would be possible. However, the evening passed and early morning came with very little progress. At this time we knew that my body needed help to bring on labor. The doctors started me on pitocin and we waited. From there it was still a very slow progression and as each hour passed by we became anxious that your birth was taking the same path as your sisters. We expressed our concern to the doctors but they did not feel that there was any reason we couldn't continue with a natural labor.
The pitocin was bumped up frequently to see if it could encourage my labor further. I remember asking the nurses in the beginning of labor how high the machine went and she said "20, but no one ever gets that high". Well, by the end of the evening we were at 20 and in full labor. Around 9:30 pm is was a 10 and it was time to push. I was so determined to deliver you without a c-section. Your dad and grandmas were all in the room. Your dad was so motivating and kept calm the whole time, it was just what I needed. After 3 hours of pushing we were able to feel the top of your head, but you were not moving any further, it had been that way for awhile. That is when the doctor said a c-section was necessary. It was so crushing, we were so close but so far away, but wanted to do what was the best for you. At that time they prepped us for surgery and down we went to the familiar bright white OR we had visited just a few years ago.
Your daddy cool as can be... |
Once in the OR things started off as I remembered from before. Your dad was right by my side and the team of doctors and nurses starting with the surgery. Very early in Dr. McFarland pronounced "this is a very big baby". Not long after you could tell the pace of the OR team took a turn, the doctors and nurses started working more aggressively. You were stuck in the birth canal and were not coming out. The nurses had to manually push you out of the canal while the doctors worked feverishly to pull you out. I remember looking at the doctor during this time and knew this wasn't going smoothly, her forehead glistened with perspiration and her calm demeanor was shaken. In the background they had ordered more doctors and nurses to help and blood. I became very nervous as the time passed it felt like an eternity. The good news is you never showed any signs of distress which with a long labor was surprising. Finally you were free, the nurses took you for a quick evaluation and pronounced you were 10lbs 4oz and 21.5 in long. You official arrival time was 2/20/15 @ 1:37 AM. Now it made sense why you were stuck, during my pregnancy and labor all the docs were confident you were no more than 8lbs. Finally daddy was able to bring you over while the continued to work on me. You were so beautiful, I just wanted to hold you but had to settle with giving you sweet kisses on your precious face. The doctors were still having difficulties finishing the surgery. Things weren't going back in well and my uterus was bleeding a lot. Finally they completed the surgery and we all got to go back to recovery.
We meet at last... |
Our big boy! |
We spent two hours in recovery making sure there were no further complications from surgery. I got to hold you during this time. Your dad and grandma Chloe were there as well. By this time we were all exhausted it was so time around 4am. They kept us in labor and delivery until the afternoon hour and then went over to the mother baby unit. The nurses in the mother baby unit were wonderful. They took great care of all of us. You blood sugar was low and with frequent feedings we were able to avoid the NICU. We spent the next 3 days at the hospital recovering and getting to know you better. We also had lots of visitors. Your sister came and visited you twice, she was very excited to meet you and give you a bottle. Finally on February 23 we were able go home!
As I am writing this you are 2.5 weeks old. We are adjusting as a family of four. It is fun watching you change daily. We are all in love with you. Your sister talks to you and wants to be by your side, it is very sweet. We are so blessed to have a healthy happy family and can not wait to watch you grow!
Mommy and Daddy