The morning of your birthday your sister wanted to make sure it was special, so we had a special breakfast, waffles with whip cream and a candle. In the afternoon a few family and friends came over to celebrate.
Mommy made your birthday cake, this was the second time you had ate cake and you were not to sure about it on the day of your party. Before your birthday you had cake for your one year old pictures and you dove right in, you loved it.
It was a great time and you received so many trucks and tractors! Although you were more interested in the wrapping paper and boxes like any baby would be. Your sister helped you open all of your gifts, she was so excited to celebrate your day. We are blessed with such a great group of people in our lives.
At your last doctor appointment you were 24 lbs and 31.3 inches. You are a happy healthy boy. We look forward to watching you grow and are so blessed to have you in our life!
Mommy and Daddy
Mommy and Daddy