The morning of June 12th we met with one of the doctors and they suggested that breaking my water could help things along. Your dad and I agreed that this would be a good decision due to the amount of time it had been and little progression. Breaking the water did bring on strong contraction and some dilation. I was having severe back labor at this point, but was determined to bear through it. Your dad and I did more walking and labor techniques to try and get through it. Later in the afternoon we were presented with the option of Pitocin and drug that can help speed up labor. We agreed at the time that we needed to explore this route since things were not progressing and the pain was getting worse. Pitocin did speed things up as we were told, but it was still not a "fast" progression. Later that evening I was dilated to 6 which we were very excited about. With being in labor for almost 24 hours my body and yours were starting to feel the effects. Your dad and I discussed what was going to be the best option for all of us. That is when we decided that a epidural may help get over the hump we were at. The epidural did ease some of the pressure and allowed me to relax some. However, I was still having back labor the doctor said this was due to you being face up.
Very early in the morning on June 13th we had exciting news, I was dilated to 8, only 2 more and it would be time to push. Your dad and I were very excited. We continued to do more labor techniques to help with the progression of labor. Your heart was having random heart dips and I had broke a high fever. The resident on call came and checked me and stated that I was back to 6 and my cervix was swollen. Your dad and I knew this was not a good thing. We tried to stay strong and waited to hear from the doctor to confirm that this was actually the case. The doctor check me and agreed that labor was digressing and with the fever I was (that in return was due to a infection) and the heart dips you were having it was time to make a plan. The doctor gave us a option to try to another hour or have a c-section. He highly recommend that we not wait any longer due to the condition of you and I. It was a very emotional decision for me and your dad, but we knew we had to do what was best for your health, so we agreed that a c section was going to be the best option.
During this whole time you had a lot of people anticipating your arrival, grandmas, grandpas, your aunt and uncle were all waiting in the waiting room with word of when you were going to arrive. Your daddy was the one that explained to them the situation and the a c-section would be performed within the next 30 minutes. All of our family came into see us before we went to the operating room. It was nice to know they were all there for us.
Once in the OR I thought I would be a lot more scared than I was. Having your dad by my side and knowing you were going to be the end result of the surgery helped me get through it. The procedure itself was less than a hour total, you were born on June 13, 2012 at 9:48 AM. You weighed 7lbs 12oz and were 22 inches long. As soon as you came out they had to take you to the NICU team that was standing by in the OR to evaluate you due to the fever and infection. Mommy did not get to see you right away, but daddy went over and took pictures of you and showed them to me as the doctors finished up the surgery. The emotions that overcame me were indescribable, after all this time you were finally here and were perfect in every way. Once the NICU team did their initial evaluation they brought you over to me so that I could see you in person. I now know what every mother talks about when they speak of having children, it is the most powerful experience ever. After our moment of bonding you and daddy went to the NICU and I went to recovery. It was hard not to be with you for the 2 hours that I was in recovery, but dad kept you company and made sure everything was okay.

Finally later that afternoon we were reunited! We got to go to the mother baby unit as a family. As they wheeled us down the hallway from recovery they played a lullaby to signify your birth. We spent 4 days in the hospital after you were born. This was due to the antibiotics we both had to take within a certain time span and also due to mommy having a c-section. The nurses were all so helpful and gave mommy and daddy lots of tips on how to care for you. On June 16th we were released from the hospital. Taking you home felt surreal, it was something I had been dreaming of since we first found out we were expecting you.
We are coming up on just over two weeks now since you were born and are learning more and more about you everyday. Your dad and I look forward to watching you grow, you are such a blessing to us!
Mommy and Daddy
Once in the OR I thought I would be a lot more scared than I was. Having your dad by my side and knowing you were going to be the end result of the surgery helped me get through it. The procedure itself was less than a hour total, you were born on June 13, 2012 at 9:48 AM. You weighed 7lbs 12oz and were 22 inches long. As soon as you came out they had to take you to the NICU team that was standing by in the OR to evaluate you due to the fever and infection. Mommy did not get to see you right away, but daddy went over and took pictures of you and showed them to me as the doctors finished up the surgery. The emotions that overcame me were indescribable, after all this time you were finally here and were perfect in every way. Once the NICU team did their initial evaluation they brought you over to me so that I could see you in person. I now know what every mother talks about when they speak of having children, it is the most powerful experience ever. After our moment of bonding you and daddy went to the NICU and I went to recovery. It was hard not to be with you for the 2 hours that I was in recovery, but dad kept you company and made sure everything was okay.
Finally later that afternoon we were reunited! We got to go to the mother baby unit as a family. As they wheeled us down the hallway from recovery they played a lullaby to signify your birth. We spent 4 days in the hospital after you were born. This was due to the antibiotics we both had to take within a certain time span and also due to mommy having a c-section. The nurses were all so helpful and gave mommy and daddy lots of tips on how to care for you. On June 16th we were released from the hospital. Taking you home felt surreal, it was something I had been dreaming of since we first found out we were expecting you.
We are coming up on just over two weeks now since you were born and are learning more and more about you everyday. Your dad and I look forward to watching you grow, you are such a blessing to us!
Mommy and Daddy